ie UK Band VACUOUS bollert durch ihr `In His Blood` Videoclip, der auf das ebenfalls “In His Blood“ getaufte, zweite Studioalbum des Londoner Fünferpacks aufmerksam machen will. Der neue Song ist roh, ungehobelt, ein wenig punkig und erinnert an die Frühzeit des Death Metals. Das Album erscheint dann am 28. Februar.
Gitarrist Michael Brodsky kommentiert:
„We put alot of ourselves into „In His Blood“. Our goal was to pull in our personal influences from different genres of music, blending everything together and pushing it all to the extreme in a very bold way. It’s raw, organic, unhinged and at times very imperfect, but feels like our most personal and honest music to date, which is what death metal is all about ultimately (to us, anyway). We can’t wait for everyone to hear it and couldn’t be more excited for the legendary Relapse Records to be releasing it.“
Trackliste “In His Blood“ :
In His Blood
Stress Positions
Flesh Parade
Public Humiliation
No Longer Human