Du betrachtest gerade WARFIELD –  Thrash Outfit mit `Lament Of The White Realm` Videopremiere

WARFIELD – Thrash Outfit mit `Lament Of The White Realm` Videopremiere

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WARFIELD sind ein deutsches Thrash Trio, das ordentlich aggressiv zu Werke geht. Der neueste Beweis ist das gerade erschienene `Lament Of The White Realm` Video, das zum Album „With The Old Breed“ gehört. Ab dem 04. April ist die Scheibe dann im Handel.





Into the stone we’re summoned to hold ground

Adament line, not to yield, not to bend down

The immovable white

God-given front in purgatorial height

Through the ice and the boulders

Loyalty and death over our shoulders

Determined to the utmost

We eat the whip of the invisible ghost


Roar of the avalanches, rolling like tears


For that our freezing lungs preserve the fatherland’s breath

Withstand the blizzard and burn it down with lead

Agony calls through the echoing walls

Over the edge a promise falls

Lament of the White Realm


Powder and smoke overcast the thin air

A nation’s dream – a logistical nightmare

The cable haulage spans high

Roof of the world built to defend and defy

So we man the trenches

With burning hearts and frostbitten senses

Forever frozen in time

We cry out words in desperate hope of a rhyme


Gaze to the heavens where all life dies


For that our freezing lungs preserve the fatherland’s breath

Withstand the blizzard and burn it down with lead

Agony calls through the echoing walls

Over the edge a promise falls

Lament of the White Realm