You are currently viewing MINDLESS SINNER – `Speed Demon` kündigt “Metal Merchants“ Scheibe an

MINDLESS SINNER – `Speed Demon` kündigt “Metal Merchants“ Scheibe an

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Die alteingesessene traditionelle Heavy Metal Truppe MINDLESS SINNER kündigt ihr nächstes Langeisen „Metal Merchants“ für den 25. Oktober an. Zu diesem Anlass bringen die Schweden den Track `Speed Demon` heraus, den ihr hier hören könnt.

Sänger Christer Göransson meint:

I guess ‚Metal Merchants‘ picks up where ‚Poltergeist‘ left off in 2020. We feel like ‚Metal Merchants‘ is the best we have ever done. Overall, ‚Poltergeist‘ got great reviews and it was a very strong record. But it was released like a month before the Covid outbreak struck, so I guess it was left to oblivion. The material on ‚Metal Merchants‘ is particularly strong, and also the production and the cover are great.“




Trackliste „Metal Merchants“:

  1. Speed Demon
  2. Metal Merchants
  3. Carry On
  4. Third Time’s A Charm
  5. Hedonia
  6. Mountain of Om
  7. Let’s Go Crazy
  8. Believe in Me
  9. Monsters
  10. Storm of Steel
  11. My Hometown *
  12. The Chosen One *
  13. A Madman is Crying *

* CD & MC Bonustracks