You are currently viewing BROTHERS OF METAL – `Heavy Metal Viking` Erster Song von ”Fimbulvinter“

BROTHERS OF METAL – `Heavy Metal Viking` Erster Song von ”Fimbulvinter“

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Am 01. November veröffentlichen BROTHERS OF METAL ihren neuen Longplayer ”Fimbulvinter“, von dem sie soeben den Song `Heavy Metal Viking` als klischeeüberladenes 80er Video veröffentlicht haben. Klanglich ist das Track auch eher untypisch für die Metalbrüder.

Sänger Mats Nilsson gibt zu:

“‘Heavy Metal Viking’ has a sort of 80s southern hard rock feel, which is far from what you’d expect us to be doing.”

Den Titel der Scheibe erklärt er so:

Fimbulvinter is ‘the great winter’ in Norse mythology. A winter that is colder and darker than all other winters and lasts for three years. It’s one of the first significant indications that Ragnarök is coming.”




Woke up this morning, my shield in hand

Woke up the fellas in my metal band

I am a Viking, I am a God

Better believe it or I’ll tear you apart


Some may call me crazy, they know nothing at all

Cause I’m a heavy metal Viking and I’m on a roll

See me rollin’ in my long boat, you’ll go out of control

I got a heavy metal Viking soul


My quest is simple – my aim is true

Destiny’s calling, babe I’m coming for you

I’ll make you moan, then I’ll be gone

I’ll end up sitting in a giant metal throne


Some may call me crazy, they know nothing at all

Cause I’m a heavy metal Viking and I’m on a roll

See me rollin’ in my long boat, you’ll go out of control

I got a heavy metal Viking soul


My father is a mountain, my mother is the sea

And where the ocean meets the shore is where I came to be

I’m the perfect combination of magic and fantasy – I’m too good to be

I’m all you can imagine times infinity, times three

Just join me in my quest, your faith in me will set you free

Half man, half rock, half dream – I’m probably the best you’ll ever see


I am the ruler – above all

Get that, or get the fuck away from my hall

I am eternal, got abs of stone

Cause I am fueled by testosterone


You know that some may call me crazy, they know nothing at all

Cause I’m a heavy metal Viking and I’m on a roll

See me rollin’ in my long boat, you’ll go out of control

I got a heavy metal Viking soul


Viking is not a choice, it’s a way of life

To drink a barrel of mead without taking a break

To fight with any weapon combination

To cleave your best friend with a greataxe