Du betrachtest gerade BLACKNING – Thrasher streamen `Eye For An Eye` Clip

BLACKNING – Thrasher streamen `Eye For An Eye` Clip

Am 28 Juli werden die Brasilianer BLACKNING ihr drittes full-length Album „Awakening Rage“ herausbringen. Wie immer politisch, wie immer derb und etwas hardcorelastig, wie es sich in Südamerika gehört. Dazu haben sie bereits die Thrasher `Never To Be Free`, `Lies That Blind` und jetzt neu `Eye For An Eye` veröffentlicht.

Eye For An Eye is a song that speaks of a context of revenge against those who try to escape unscathed from their despicable acts, where a person has the chance to find his enemy and make him pay for everything he has done. A revenge act in a payback time. The sound is heavy and groovy, with a catchy chorus, with elements that Blackning itself never used in previous materials.
Crank it up and pull the trigger!“






Greed and Lies

Disfigured Trust

Lamb To The Slaughter

Never To Be Free

Insanity In Power

Lex Talionis

Vengeance Is Mine

Eye For An Eye

Unnamed Reality

11. Lies That Blind