Schwedens Hard Rock Outfit DEGREED hat seinen neuen Track `Ride Along` hochgeladen. Wie immer gibt es einen großen Chorus und catchy Melodien. Mit dem Lyricvideo weisen sie auf den nächsten Longplayer “Public Address“ hin. Erscheinen wird Album Nummer sieben , passenderweise am 07. Juli.
Drummer Mats Eriksson erklärt:
“We’re stoked to get these songs out for you to hear. I think we’ve made a massive album in terms of the songs, but also in terms of sound. It’s been a few months of hard work, but looking back at it now, while listening to the result, it’s been well worth it. I can’t wait to hear what you guys think of this one!”
- Big Plans
- Who Are You (To Say)
- The Way Of The World
- This Is Love
- Ride Along
- Free Again
- Resist The Urge
- Don’t Be A Stranger
- A Safe Place
- No One
- For You
- Pressure