Du betrachtest gerade RAIDER – Death-Thrasher zeigen `Trial By Chaos` Titeltrack im Video

RAIDER – Death-Thrasher zeigen `Trial By Chaos` Titeltrack im Video

RAIDER, das etwas Deathlastige Trash Outfit aus Ontario hat sein Video zum Titeltrack des gestern herausgekommenen neuen Albums “Trial By Chaos“ hochgeladen und bereitet sich auf die US Tour vor.

Die Band erzählt:

“Life is hard the whole way through and each and every one of us has our own personal hell to contend with in order to find meaning. We want to be a voice that is in your corner of the ring for the battles we face together, and the battles you face alone. That being said, there is no rule that facing life’s challenges should make us perpetually miserable and that is what our live show is all about. We want people to feel welcome no matter who they are or where they come from, and to have FUN with us.If we can bring people joy and empower them even just a little bit to take on the next big thing, we have done our work.”.






Everlasting, awakened abomination

The maelstrom that devours all of trembling creation

Opens wide its spiral maw


Guiding fire

Steel me against all destruction

From wisdom let chaos crawl

No force of evil can break my resolve

I will outlast them all


Trial by chaos! bound for glory, my purpose is one

Trial by chaos! Endure the fury or fall to oblivion



I’ll never fall

When chaos reigns

You’ll find me still standing tall


I vow to stand triumphant, let courage bind my bones

In this should I fail, my soul will turn to stone

And so I descend deep into the unknown

Twisting through the darkness with this ancient formless foe


Trial by chaos! bound for glory, my purpose is one

Trial by chaos! Endure the fury or fall to oblivion



I’ll never fall

When chaos reigns

You’ll find me still standing tall