You are currently viewing HOLYCIDE – OS Thrasher präsentieren `Lie is the New Truth´ Single

HOLYCIDE – OS Thrasher präsentieren `Lie is the New Truth´ Single

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Die iberische Thrash Metal Unit HOLYCIDE teilt mit euch den nächsten Song ihres „Towards Idiocracy“ getauften Langeisens, das am 06. Juni das Licht der Musikwelt erblicken wird. Freunde des traditionellen, simplen, gradlinigen Thrashs soll nach `Remote Control´ und der ersten Single `A.I. Supremacy´ nun die dritte Auskopplung `Lie is the new Truth´ im Animations-Lyric-Video anlocken.

HOLYCIDE Fronter Dave Rotten kommentiert den Song:

„The lyrics of this song talk about the current era of fake news. When we don’t like some truth, we cover it with fake news, creating another fake new with this, and sometimes, we know positively that something is fake new, but even so, we settle for giving it credibility, simply because it agrees with our ideology, in what it seems that anything goes. We have become accustomed to living with lies and hoaxes, which are the new truth… making the infamous Göbbels right: „a lie repeated a thousand times becomes a truth“.



We live in a society
Where the gross is lie
It’s much more valuable than the truth itself
We don’t like to hear the truth
We hide it with hypocrisy

Lie or Truth
We don’t care
Lie or Truth
We love the game

With political correctness
To please the others around
Politicians lie to our faces
One day they promise one thing
And the next they do the opposite
But we accept it anyway

Lie is the new truth (x2)

Ideologies are above
Of any truth and reason
We accept any lie
If it suits our ideas

Lie is the new truth (x2)

Ideologies are above
Of any truth and reason
We accept any lie
If it suits our ideas

We live in a society
Where the gross is lie
It’s much more valuable
than the truth itself
We don’t like to hear the truth
We hide it with hypocrisy

Lie or Truth
We don’t care
Lie or Truth
We love the game (x2)

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